I’ve always had a deep and abiding interest in technology, the internet and gadgets. I also have a passion for genealogy, so this blog is mostly about the intersection of tech and family history. However, I also reserve the right to occasionally throwback to bygone eras when the coolest gadget was a horse. Fasten your seatbelt (or hold onto the saddle horn) and enjoy!

If you’d like to learn more about genealogy media and research services, please contact me at:

Joe Mann
Media Solutions Expert & Genealogy Researcher

Origins Genealogy Services
PO Box 235
Mount Tabor, NJ 07878

Phone: +1-973-944-0156
Fax: +1-206-337-8906
Email: joe@originsgenealogy.com
Web: http://www.OriginsGenealogy.com
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